How to Become a Midwife in Australia: A Guide for International Midwives

Introduction: Unlocking Opportunities Down Under

If you’re a registered midwife considering a career move to Australia, you’re entering a realm of promising job prospects and a nurturing work atmosphere. Australia is increasingly becoming a hotspot for healthcare professionals globally. Here’s your comprehensive guide to making your dream of practicing Midwife in Australia a reality.

The Midwifery Landscape in Australia

Midwifery holds a pivotal position in Australia’s healthcare system, encompassing care from conception to postnatal stages for both mother and child. The demand for midwives is on the rise, promising a fulfilling career path. Whether you’re inclined towards hospital settings, birthing centers, independent practice, or specialization as a lactation consultant, Australia offers diverse avenues for midwifery professionals.

The Perks: Beyond Passion

Aside from the intrinsic rewards of aiding in childbirth, midwifery in Australia offers substantial financial incentives. With annual salaries ranging from $80,000 to $95,000 and manageable working hours of up to 37 hours per week, the profession ensures both financial stability and work-life balance.

To embark on your midwifery journey in Australia, you must first secure registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA). The process involves meticulous assessment by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) to ensure your qualifications align with Australian standards.

Eligibility Criteria:

To be eligible for registration, you must hold a graduate degree in Midwifery and be a registered midwife in your home country. AHPRA evaluates the comparability of your qualifications to Australian standards, ensuring proficiency in the field.

Step-by-Step Guide to Registration

1. Complete Self-check:

Initiate the process by conducting a self-assessment of your qualifications through the AHPRA website’s self-check tool. This preliminary step provides insights into your eligibility status and guides subsequent actions.

2. Categorization:

Based on your qualifications, you’ll be assigned to Stream A, B, or C, each with specific requirements tailored to your credentials.

3. Stream-specific Requirements:

  • Stream A: Proceed with an online orientation course and potentially qualify for direct registration with AHPRA.
  • Stream B: Undergo online orientation, portfolio submission, and outcomes-based assessment (OBA), including the midwifery MCQ and OSCE exams conducted by AHPRA.
  • Stream C: If your qualifications fall short of Australian standards, consider upgrading your credentials to meet the requirements.

Application and Evaluation

Assuming you’re in Stream B, upon successful completion of the requisite exams which are MCQ and OSCE exams, proceed to apply for licensure through AHPRA’s online portal. Alongside a fee of $503, submit essential documentation, including valid IELTS/PTE scores, educational transcripts, identification documents, and a criminal history check.

Conclusion: Your Pathway to Midwifery in Australia

In conclusion, venturing into midwifery in Australia as an international midwife demands meticulous navigation through registration procedures and examination assessments. However, the rewards are abundant, offering not only professional fulfillment but also financial stability. Stay tuned for detailed insights into the Midwifery MCQ and OSCE exams in our forthcoming videos, paving the way for your seamless transition into the Australian midwifery landscape.

Contact us:

For further inquiries or assistance regarding your journey to becoming a midwife in Australia, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Edulogix. You can contact us via email at, or connect with us directly on WhatsApp or call us at +61-478 498 913. Additionally, you can visit our website at for more information and resources to support you through every step of the process. We’re here to help you achieve your aspirations in the field of midwifery Down Under.