How to Meet Australian Nursing Registration’s Work Experience Requirements: A Comprehensive Guide

australian Nursing registration

Welcome to Edulogix, your go-to source for logical insights and valuable information. If you’re an international nurse aspiring to kickstart your nursing career in Australia, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog, we will explore a crucial aspect of the Australian nursing registration process – the work experience requirement or recency of practice requirement. We’ll cover everything you need to know about meeting this standard to achieve your nursing goals Down Under.

Understanding Recency of Practice

Before we delve into the details, let’s grasp the concept of “recency of practice.” As set by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA), this standard emphasizes that nurses and midwives intending to practice in Australia should be current and up-to-date in their practice. The definition of “practice” extends beyond clinical settings, encompassing various nursing-related fields, such as education and research.

The Required Work Experience Hours

To meet the recency of practice standard, you must have accumulated 450 hours of work experience in the last five years at the time of your registration. To put this into perspective, if you work around 40 hours a week, you would need approximately three to three and a half months of experience to fulfill the requirement.

Valid Evidence for Meeting the Standard

NMBA accepts various forms of evidence to meet the work experience requirement. You can submit income statements, pay slips, or a simple statement of service from your employer. The 450 hours of experience need not be continuous, so any gaps in your practice within the last five years won’t be an issue as long as the cumulative hours meet the requirement.

What Doesn’t Count as Work Experience

It’s important to note that certain types of work experience, such as clinical placement hours during your nursing education, do not count toward meeting the recency of practice standard. Only the experience gained after obtaining your nursing registration is considered. It’s imperative to maintain up-to-date skills to meet the evolving demands of the nursing profession

Meeting the Requirement Without Work Experience

For those without the required work experience or those who haven’t been practicing in the last five years, there are alternative routes to fulfill the recency of practice standard. One option is by successfully completing a program approved by NMBA, such as a graduate certificate or diploma in nursing. This allows you to upgrade your qualifications and meet the standard.

Additionally, here’s fantastic news for those considering the OBA (Overseas Qualified Nurses) procedure. By successfully completing the assessments conducted by NMBA as part of the OBA process, such as NCLEx and OSCE, you become eligible to meet the recency of practice standard.

Ensuring Comprehensive Compliance

While fulfilling the work experience requirement is a significant step, it’s essential to remember that other standards, such as the English language test requirement, must also be met.


Meeting the recency of practice standard is crucial for your Australian nursing registration journey. By understanding the requirements and available options, you can pave the way for a successful and fulfilling nursing career in Australia. If you found value in this blog, don’t forget to like and share it with your fellow nurses.

For more information on nursing registration procedures and updates, visit our website. We’re here to support and guide you every step of the way. Remember, at Edulogix, we’re all about unlocking the logical path to your nursing dreams. Stay safe and stay happy on your journey to success!